Tuesday, June 29, 2010


So I continue to try and find time to start my business. But it isn't going so well. I think I am more afraid of failing then I am of not trying at all. I know that I DON'T WANT AN OVER NIGHT GRAND DEPARTMENT BUSINESS, but just getting it off the ground is taking much longer and more expensive then I had imagined it to be.

On top of those expenses, I am beginning to cloth diaper which is taking up more money that we just don't have right now. it sounds selfish for me to still even want to start a business knowing that I have all these other expenses that take more precedence. But its that little something I need for myself I think. I spend all day with my 3 kids and my ever growing tummy. I just want something that I feel is all MY accomplishment. I think every mother deserves that. A little piece of heaven.