LOST.... I have been trying to find my niche. Something that I really love to talk about, share about and something that I could keep up with on this blog. So far I have come up with nothing. I originally started this blog to share my love of photography. That was fleeting. While I do love photography, I don't think it is something for me to constantly be blogging about. Then there was my crafts. While it would be nice to be all famous on PINTEREST, I hate the thought of people using my ideas without giving back the appropriate credits. Then I moved on to food. I love cheap easy simple meals. I just believe I'd rather add one meal a month or week or so. I followed all this craziness with my getting back into shape which failed miserably when I became ill and gained a ridiculous amount of weigh. I do enjoy reviewing things and I add reviews constantly to this blog. I just don't want to ONLY do reviews as that seems a bit boring to me.
So here lies the problem. Where do I fit in? Where does this blog fit in? I could write all about my adventures in mommyhood..... but would I really want everyone to know of my failures as a parent?
So while I work up to finding my place within all these other blogs... today I shall write about getting back back in shape.
Last year while my husband was deployed I rocked me some workouts. By the end of December I weighed right about 123, had muscle definition and had said goodbye to the dreaded muffin top. I got very sick soon after. January came around and I was constantly tired for no reason. By March I had a constant stomach ache, bloated, nausea and the fatigue anytime I ate(it seemed anyways). End of March I was weighing 130 something and gaining. July I was completely fed up and did some major research into why I was feeling so bad. I had developed an intolerance for lactose (which explained my yuck feeling after eating). I developed my intolerance as a result of my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Fast forward to the beginning of November.... I was weighing 160 on a bad day! On Nov 7 I made a great effort to avoid all dairy products. I weighed in on Nov. 14 and I had lost 4 pounds just from counting out the dairy. I lost 2 inches off my waist and it was no longer hard as a rock. Since then I have not done so well. I ate pizza over the weekend. Even though I took a LACTAID pill before eating it only helped immediately after. I regretted it a great deal the next morning. I awoke to a bloated, hard and cramping belly.
There is no real treatment for CFS. I do however try to take an additional B12 vitamin every morning to help me get through the day. I am slowly trying to get up the energy to add more exercise into my life to help as well. I have found it to be very difficult though.
So there it is.... my sob story about my health. Send me good thoughts. I really could use all the help that I can get.
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