Friday, November 19, 2010

Swag tastic...

If you haven't already, join swag bucks! Its easy to start earning points simply by doing what you already are. Searching the web, buying online, and so much more!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Anxiously awaiting and working....

So it hit me yesterday that I will have a new baby in about 3 and a half months. And that really got me thinking. It was the thought, "I have 3 girls", I have nothing that is ready for a boy.
I think to add to my anxiety is that Charles has been working, training, and just not here for weeks. I usually do so well when hes away but I just find myself so depressed when hes away now. Hopefully my hormones will get in check before this next deployment...
On the upside though, I have found a small bit of down time between the kids screaming and crying, and finally finished the in-laws baby gift! It is soo cute and soft. I suppose I should wait to post pictures until the babyshower though!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


So I continue to try and find time to start my business. But it isn't going so well. I think I am more afraid of failing then I am of not trying at all. I know that I DON'T WANT AN OVER NIGHT GRAND DEPARTMENT BUSINESS, but just getting it off the ground is taking much longer and more expensive then I had imagined it to be.

On top of those expenses, I am beginning to cloth diaper which is taking up more money that we just don't have right now. it sounds selfish for me to still even want to start a business knowing that I have all these other expenses that take more precedence. But its that little something I need for myself I think. I spend all day with my 3 kids and my ever growing tummy. I just want something that I feel is all MY accomplishment. I think every mother deserves that. A little piece of heaven.

Monday, February 22, 2010

New to this

I am obviously new to this whole blog thing. I am trying to edit the page and then I will begin to add my works! Very excited about it! Stay tuned, for updates.