Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Motivating you to your happy place

Motivation.... My children motivate me everyday. I am working on getting back to a fitter me, for them. Yes it is for me as well of course. For if it were not, I highly doubt I would get very far with my goals. With that being said I am doing this for my children. I want to run and play with my kids everyday and not feel wore out after a few minutes. I want to indulge in a special treat with them time to time and not feel guilty about it. I want to be the fun mom who can do it all with my littles and not just watching them from the sidelines. Happy Place... So what is your motivation? While I am a very strong believer in motivating ones self, as you can see, that is not entirely my case. I am using my children for my motivation. I am not however doing it because someone thinks that I should be a size 3, athletic, etc. Motivate you. Be the change you want for you. I want to feel confident, proud and energized. Getting back in shape is my plan on getting to that happy place in my life again. How will you get to your happy place?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Getting back to fit

I have had 4 beautiful little children in the last few years. I had mere months in between each pregnancy to get back to pre-pregnancy weight each time. Now however, my oldest is about to turn 5 and my youngest recently turned 1. I would say I have no excuse to not get back to my pre-baby number one size/weight.
I am not one of those naturally lucky people with a superb metabolism or amazing genes. It is actually the very opposite. Most of the women on both sides of my family have always really struggled with weight. Before I became pregnant with my first child I was going to the gym at least twice a day. I still only managed to get down to a size 5 and 118 pounds. Which may sound great but at 5'2", this is not exactly the case.
So here I am 6 years older, trying to get back to that place. It is going to be difficult and it will not happen over night and I am very much prepared. Here are my downfalls and what I will need to manage to get to my goal.
1. Coke- Love the stuff. Weaning myself off so not to have killer headaches.
2. HUSBAND- I love the man but he has to be the most unmotivational person alive.
3. Water- I do not drink near enough. On a daily basis I am only consuming 32oz or so. I need to double this number and the sooner the better.
4. Exercise- I love working out, not so much with 4 kids under foot. I need to learn to make more time and stick with it.
5. Sleep- My youngest still wakes at night to eat. Add me not going to bed until 11 or so. And then my other 3 waking up at 6:30 and well you can see my issue. GET TO BED EARLIER!

I am currently 135 pounds and a size 7. Two months ago I got down to 125 pounds and a size 5. Out of nowhere I constantly felt sick and later discovered I am now lactose intolerant. I have finally got to the point in my diet where that is no longer an issue for me and I feel so much better.. So now its time to get back on track. Hopefully I can continue to hold myself accountable.