Thursday, July 18, 2013

Helpful information about Narcissist

  Dealing with an individual with a narcissistic personality disorder can be both emotionally and physically exhausting. Most people will tell you to hit the ground running when you encounter these volatile individuals.  However, many times you may not be aware of what you are getting yourself into until it is far too late.
  I am going to answer one of the most common questions, link a YouTube video (not mine), as well as link a great page on Facebook.

Why is a narcissist promiscuous?

Narcissists do not see women in a healthy way. They are unable to see a woman as cute (i.e. sweet) and sexy at the same time. No, narcissists categorize women into one of two separate categories-saintly or sexy. They have a very difficult time seeing a woman as both. To them, a woman is either one or the other, but never both. This is what psychologists refer to as a Madonna-whore complex.
If a woman is sweet and nice, she is classified as a Madonna. If she challenges him, she is defined as a whore. A Madonna is sexless. A whore turns a narcissist on like nothing else. In the beginning of a relationship, every woman is sexy to a narcissist because the thrill of the chase makes her enticing. The harder to get she plays, the sexier she becomes. However, once she has been conquered by the narcissist, she slowly loses her desirability. The more comfortable the relationship becomes and the more caring she becomes, the less enticing she is to him sexually. She loses her sex appeal and becomes a saintly Madonna figure. A Madonna fulfills a narcissist’s need to be catered to like a child. A whore fulfills his adult sexual needs. A whore is the only type of woman that turns a narcissist on. A Madonna is completely sexless. Over time, any woman who is good and caring to a narcissist will inevitably become sexless.
Many narcissists revert to pornography at this point, because it portrays women as whores. Pornography is degrading to women, and this is exactly what turns a narcissist on. Many become addicted to pornography. A narcissist eventually withdraws sexually from any type of intimate relationship you once had with him. I believe it is inevitable in any long-term relationship with a narcissist. You become sexless. You become the Madonna. He still needs you, no doubt. However, this is not because he is in love with you in any adult or mature way. He needs you to continue to cater to his needs. He needs you to ensure that someone will always be present to stroke his ego, should the outside world fall short of his expectations.
In other words, sex and love are two completely separate entities, which is precisely how a narcissist views them. A narcissist does not view sex as a reflection of one’s love for another. He views sex as something completely separate from love. To a narcissist, love is sexless, pure, and saintly, whereas sex is dirty and reserved for whores. They go from person to person for narcissistic supply. They are incapable of love and can not feel.


She has made multiple helpful videos so browse around!


I will be blogging about this topic again as it is very dear to my heart.

 Have a question about this specific personality disorder? Do you have a personal experience with a narcissistic individual? Please feel free to leave your own story or question in the comments section.

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