Monday, July 22, 2013

Narcissist Part 3

 If you missed PART1 and/or PART2 find them HERE and HERE. 
 I could go on forever about this subject but I think I will leave it alone after this one. I want others to know that they are not alone. Unless your N is willing to go through a great deal of counseling... leave. NOW. No one should be subjected to a toxic relationship.

When does a narcissist end the relationship?

When they see you can see through their mask and question their behavior and don't say Amen to all they do....If you speak your mind and want to exchange ideas and thoughts and know what you want which maybe is not the same they want all the time...Being in a relationship is giving and taking, 2 different individuals that respect each other’s taste, ideals etc....They cannot do it only at the Enticing phase, then they get tired of acting and the Real One shows up...and they get ashamed, angry and start withdrawing affection, ,sex and constantly testing hell on Earth...They are the master of confusion...Then they blame you for everything they do and you are dismissed....


If the N feels you have "injured" him in any manner, he will check out on you, it could be something as small as saying to him "you have no sense of humor" he will take this as a COMPLETE insult, a criticism, no matter if you were jokingly saying it or not. If you call him on his behavior/lies, he sees this as an injury as well and will consider you the "enemy" he will not interact with you if he now consider you to be the enemy.

Treat his perceived injury with a gang of apologies, compliments and whatever supply you can offer, lure him back and DUMP him, these type people are unreasonable, uncaring, irrational, out of touch with reality, they have ZERO emotions, get away, it's not easy but can be done or stay with him and "dance with the devil".


There is another way how N's end the relationship and leave you, namely when YOU are about the end the relationship with your N. When the narcissist feels or knows that you want to end the relationship he/she will take over and arrange his own leaving.
Many victims of narcissist partners arrive to a point in which they suddenly realize the sickness of their relationship or marriage. The narcissist is demasked. After the first shock the victim starts working on his own salvation. Of course this takes time however the narcissist feels that the source is slowly running dry. Narcissism is all about control so when he loses this control or when you even make a decision leaving him or her, they cannot accept this abandonment. The fear of losing the control over you as well as losing their narcissistic supply source is unbearable for him. In the minds of narcissists it is unacceptable to even consider the possibility that YOU leave HIM/HER, instead of the other way around. They own you don't they, so how can it be?
The N will gain time which he needs for arranging his way out. He needs to find another source, to prepare for divorce, to talk bad about you behind your back in order to create the idea you're the one to blame etc. During that time the N will try one time more to not lose you but completely according narcissistic patterns he will do this by withholding attention and sex instead of giving you this elementary aspects of a relationship. He thinks he can still play the same game but now you're aware and you don't mind too much anymore.
Then, when he/she has arranged everything he will leave you.
You need to direct this process which is not difficult once you have demasked your narcissist.

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